Friday, September 11, 2015

Art is very POPular!

We are finally putting the finishing touches on our 1st major projects in grades 2nd - 5th and I have to say they are....


                Seriously - I hope they loved learning about these artists as much as I did!

2nd grade has been learning about the Brazilian artist Romero Britto. First we painted 4 various textures on 4 colored squares. (lines, dots, etc..) using all kinds of tools to make the textures. Then we studied his peacock, heart or cat and drew them with BIG, BOLD, BRITTO, BLACK outline. We colored them in with even more patterns before gluing the whole thing together. Aren't they great?

Third grade learned about Keith Haring and complementary colors. They learned how to draw a "Haring figure" by drawing a stick man and then outlining it. They then chose a complementary color background to make the project POP!

Forth grade studied Wayne Theibaud and his dessert paintings. We began by learning about values of color and made 3 tints by adding white. We then cut out those values into scoops of ice cream and glued them on in order from light to dark. We put them on their complementary color background as well. To finish it off - we added a pom pom "cherry" on top and puffy paint sprinkles!

Fifth grade helped out the school with our superhero theme! They learned about pop artist Roy Lichtenstein and made onomatopia art using the primary colors.


Sunday, August 30, 2015

1st month happenings in #sceart

WOW! How can it be that we have already been to school for 4 weeks? This month has FLOWN by!

So, hello to any and all that are new to my blog! Welcome - this is where I will post what is happening in the art room at Stoner Creek Elementary in Mount Juliet, TN. 

Parents of students -
* If you are not aware already, support classes started this past week now going to a SIX day rotation.
I now will see each homeroom for 45 minutes once every 6 days. If I did the Math correctly that comes out to 7-8 visits with me every 9 weeks IF there is no other thing going on where they miss. (like pep rallies, Bash N Dash, snow days, etc...)
Please keep this in mind that in grades 2-5 it takes us around 4 visits to make a GOOD project. (some take longer or shorter) That means about 2 projects every 9 weeks. I plan to let the kids take some projects home when completed but will have to keep some for art show, exhibits, etc... but ALL will be given by end of year. K and 1st will make more as I try to do shorter projects with them.

 * You should have received an art note from me about the website Artsonia. It will have the info you need for the site.  Please make sure you go to this site and give permission for your child's work to be published. Include your email address and you will get updates through out the year when we publish work. Some grades will be using this site this year to write about their work and you can also make comments. Best of all - you can go to the Gift Shop and purchase items with your child's work on it! Great for presents for family, friends, etc... AND when you do purchase items - a portion of it comes back to me so I can buy things for the art room! It is a WIN in my book! :)

* Bash N Dash fundraising is in full swing! I have an online auction for someone to win a day with me after school to do a painting of a funny monster! See online SCE website at

                                Now, on to what we are learning in Art!

Kindergarten - this 9 weeks we are doing a unit on lines. We have already made a "Larry the Line" snake and learned about lines - vertical, horizontal, diagonal, curvy, spiral, etc... They also have learned my rules for using markers and made lines we learned with my special "smell good" markers. We then learned the rules about glue and made line sculptures. They will continue the line unit as we do paintings. We also will be celebrating DOT DAY on September 15th in Kindergarten. (and 1st grade)  Check out more about dot day here:

1st grade - this 9 weeks is doing a study on color. We began with primary colors - red, yellow, and blue. Here is one of our favorite videos:
We also learned about the artist Piet Mondrian and then made art inspired by him. We discussed the lines, shapes, and colors he used: Check out our art inspired by Mondrian on

              ... and now for 2nd - 5th grades! We are CRAZY for POP ART! Pop art is so POPular!

2nd grade -  is learning all about Romero Britto! He is one of MY FAVES for his colorful, bright, fun art! You can learn more about him here:   I could get in alot of trouble buying things on this site! :)

We began by making 4 colored backgrounds for our Britto inspired Art - each with its own pattern. We had a great time painting with all types of tools to make patterns - like end of round brush to make polka dots and my texture blocks that look like grass!
Now we are choosing to draw either a Britto heart, cat or peacock for our project. We are starting to add color to them this week.... pictures coming soon! (I am trying to load some of our photos and it is not working! Will figure it out....)

Look how fun Britto's work is:

3rd grade -  is working on a Keith Haring inspired Pop Art project.
We are doing figures inspired by Haring that also represent ourselves! (and 1 lucky class is getting to turn theirs into Haring HEROES!) While doing this project, we have learned about complimentary colors and watched THE>BEST>VIDEO here :
Trust me - if you need some videos to bug your kids, I got them! LOL!

This is an example of what we are basing ours off of -  I can not wait to see them all finished!

4th grade - is learning about the artist Wayne Thiebaud.

They have looked at his dessert paintings and we are painting ICE CREAM! We have also discussed a lot about colors and their value. I am excited to say that when finished, I am going to choose 5 from each homeroom and they are going to be on display at Chick Fil A during one of our spirit night weeks!
Here is a Thiebaud ice cream painting -

5th grade - is learning about Roy Lichtenstein and his Pop Art using onomatopoeia words. We are making these to go along with our SUPERHERO theme for Bash N Dash. These should make the
walls really.....


Saturday, March 14, 2015

Laissez les bon temps roulez!

Look out NEW ORLEANS! That is right  - NOLA is about to be taken over by art teachers from all over the U.S. and abroad!

I am thrilled to be attending the NAEA conference -

especially since this is my 1st year teaching Art and I am beyond excited to meet some of these wonderful people! There are so many I have gotten to be "friends" with on Facebook and can not wait to put a face to a name. I so look up to these people and am in awe of all they do - from Cassie Stephens (already met her and aspire to be this cool),  Phyllis Brown, (THE retired Art teacher we all want to grow up to be), to the new NAEA president - George Szekely! I think I am just as excited to see and meet all of these wonderful artists/teachers and I am to get to go to all the sessions. Just look below and you will see what I mean:

                                                               Cassie Stephens - Just check her blog out.... such inspiration...

and then this man...

As a girl who grew up getting to go to New Orleans many times - HI DAD! Can not wait to see you there!    
I am excited to see it from a new "light" as I will be attending conferences - including one where we tour Mardi Gras World and then make masks. How cool is that????

 I mean, I NEVER got to do cool meetings like this when I taught in the regular education classroom.... (sorry but it is true - ART had me last year when I went to a PD day and they served Sangria and then we got to play in paint! I KNEW these were my people!)

I love how some of the classes have incorporated the traditions and culture of NOLA as only NOLA can do...

It is going to be an amazing time! I did not even mention that Tim Gunn (Project Runway) is guest speaker on 1st day! Whew - it is going to be a Whirl Wind of fun! (whirl wind... hurricane... get it??)

Sunday, January 11, 2015


Beautiful Oops? I do not know about you but, when I say OOPS I can promise you it is usually not described with the adjective BEAUTIFUL....

but that is EXACTLY what is happening in classes this Thursday!

A book written by Barney Saltzberg, "Beautiful Oops!" teaches children (and adults) that every OOPS is an opportunity to make something beautiful.  Here is a part of the book description:

"A life lesson that all parents want their children to learn: It’s OK to make a mistake. In fact, hooray for mistakes! A mistake is an adventure in creativity, a portal of discovery. A spill doesn’t ruin a drawing—not when it becomes the shape of a goofy animal. And an accidental tear in your paper? Don’t be upset about it when you can turn it into the roaring mouth of an alligator."

From this book came the resolution for "Oops Day!" where teachers can sign up to take the time to show how mistakes are OK and can be beautiful... You can read more about it here:

So, my awesome 2nd graders are doing just this! We started last week on making something beautiful from torn pieces of paper, spills, stains, holes in our paper, etc...

Will post some BEAUTIFUL OOPS pictures next Sunday but in the meantime.... HAVE A BEAUTIFUL OOPS WEEK!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

I AM BACK! Whew - December flew by!

So, you are probably wondering where I have been and all I can say is - BUSY! November and December were a mad rush of field trips, making art work for the holidays, decorating, and getting items on Artsonia site. Busy times but Loved the work!

I have to say all the kids did amazing work this last 9 weeks as we discussed art from around the world. Take a look:

2nd grade - AFRICA - We discussed where was Africa, showed photos, maps, talked about the culture, etc.. and then I showed them my paper bead necklace from Africa. I explained how the women make these necklaces and other items out of paper to make money for their families. Check this out here for more info:

We decided to make our paper beads and rather than string onto a necklace, we put them onto pipe cleaners to make a snowflake. See - they did do a great job!

Then, keeping with the African theme - the kids also made individual mosaics out of peas, beans, etc.. Each one was really unique as we discussed patterns and colors.
 Neat, hu? I liked how each one was in their own CD case for display.
 3rd grade - MEXICO  - I have to say after just finishing up the weaving art, Mexico was a good choice for this grade. We watched a video on the Legend of the Poinsettia and I really enjoyed tying this lesson in to our work. The students did a great job on their pastel drawings of poinsettias. Here are a few:

For fun, 3rd grade also made these cute Santa Claus out of toilet paper rolls but, I did not take even one picture of them.... Oh well.... they were cute and more for fun as I have worked this grade ALOT so far and they needed a "fun" project! :)

4th grade - EUROPE -

Can you say beautiful stained glass? Yes! They did an amazing job helping me decorate the windows of the lunchroom for the holiday season. Hope you got a chance to see them in person!

 After making "Stained glass" the 4th graders also did a fun craft where they made a Queen's soldier (looks like a nutcracker also) out of clothespins. Who knew the kids would like these so much but they seemed to really enjoy them! This is a Pinterest pic of them as I did not take pics of these either.

5th grade Japan -

When you tell kids you are going to do Art from Japan they immediately go to Origami or drawing cartoon characters. So - we did origami... but we went BIG! Loved the snowflakes even though it took longer than I expected to do them. I really enjoyed seeing the kids who went home and made more.

After snowflakes, we changed themes and went with Polar Express. I showed the class how to blend pastels and we looked at photos from the book and video. The kids then went to work on their own SNOW MOUNTAINS.

 Great work by all! I am planning next 9 weeks now... Get ready to get Seussical! :)