Look out NEW ORLEANS! That is right - NOLA is about to be taken over by art teachers from all over the U.S. and abroad!
I am thrilled to be attending the NAEA conference -
especially since this is my 1st year teaching Art and I am beyond excited to meet some of these wonderful people! There are so many I have gotten to be "friends" with on Facebook and can not wait to put a face to a name. I so look up to these people and am in awe of all they do - from Cassie Stephens (already met her and aspire to be this cool), Phyllis Brown, (THE retired Art teacher we all want to grow up to be), to the new NAEA president - George Szekely! I think I am just as excited to see and meet all of these wonderful artists/teachers and I am to get to go to all the sessions. Just look below and you will see what I mean:
Cassie Stephens
http://plbrown.blogspot.com/ - Just check her blog out.... such inspiration...
and then this man... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQhJ4sOjgKs
As a girl who grew up getting to go to New Orleans many times - HI DAD! Can not wait to see you there!
I am excited to see it from a new "light" as I will be attending conferences - including one where we tour Mardi Gras World and then make masks. How cool is that????
I mean, I NEVER got to do cool meetings like this when I taught in the regular education classroom.... (sorry but it is true - ART had me last year when I went to a PD day and they served Sangria and then we got to play in paint! I KNEW these were my people!)
I love how some of the classes have incorporated the traditions and culture of NOLA as only NOLA can do...
It is going to be an amazing time! I did not even mention that Tim Gunn (Project Runway) is guest speaker on 1st day! Whew - it is going to be a Whirl Wind of fun! (whirl wind... hurricane... get it??)