Sunday, August 24, 2014


Hello parents! Well.... I hope parents read this blog since I am going to send home a letter this week to EVERY parent that tells them about me, my webpage (which will led to this blog), Art Club info and Artsonia. Hopefully someone is reading this! :)

Can I get a FINALLY! It took me f-o-r-e-v-e-r but I finally entered every single student's name into Artsonia. (I hope....) So here we go!

1.) Artsonia - cool website and fundraiser for my class. It will be up all year and at anytime you can go on there and see your child's work. I will take photos after each project is complete. You can then order items with your child's work on it. You will FIRST HAVE TO give permission for it to be uploaded and you will have to know your child's user name.... ALL that info is coming home this week with your child on the day they have Art. Well, I hope so anyway. I will give them the paper but what happens AFTER I give them the paper... well, we just hope it gets home.
ALSO - if your child goes to Art with ANOTHER teacher's class (1st and 3rd split, etc..) your child's work will be with homeroom teacher they GO TO ART with.
Here is link:

2) Art Club - I am starting an Art Club for SCE. It is open to grades third - fifth and I am choosing up to 15 kids. If your child is interested, please have them come to Art room to get form ASAP as I need form filled and a piece of their Art work by this Friday, August 29th. I will then look at papers and art work and choose the top ones. I will have Mrs. Miller announce who is in Art Club on Tuesday, September 2nd. All art work will be returned on that day as well.

Hope this helps!

Now on to what we did last week and moving forward.....

Kindergarten made "line sculptures". We reviewed lines we learned from last week and learned the PROPER RULES for using glue. Here is one I liked because she made an "angular line."

Here is Mrs. Marshall's line sculptures on display at school:

They did great!
1st grade - finished up their Joan Miro inspired artwork by adding pastels in primary colors. These turned out really nice so... I am not showing you yet! HA HA! I want to save the for a display AFTER we do our Joan Miro inspired sculptures! :)
2nd grade - finishing up our collages this week and will be adding them to Artsonia. We will continue our study on Matisse with a pastel and tissue paper collage using "Goldfish" as our inspiration.
3rd grade - will also be finishing up their 1st projects of doing their name in radial symmetry. Pictures to come!
4th grade - pretty much finished our lesson on lines and colors with "hand art." I made this bulletin board using the hands from Ms. Priebel's classes work. Plan to start a lesson on form this week with pipe cleaners and aluminum foil to make people!
5th grade - will finish their Andy Warhol inspired work of themselves. Pictures of this will also be on Artsonia this week! Next week - we continue with Pop Art and do a lesson inspired with figurative language!

Sunday, August 17, 2014


               Whew! I made it! First full week and all grades started        
                                    their first projects!

 I have already learned a few things:

1) Monday classes are the ones who have to tough out the "rough" spots till you figure out all the kinks of a lesson. (sorry 5th graders on Monday!)

2) Do NOT assume 2nd graders know how to cut well with scissors... ;)

3) When you tell Kindergarten we are going to have fun, some kids think that means "Are we baking chocolate?"

4) You will NEVER EVER sit down as an Art Teacher.

5.) Invest in GOOD shoes... for real.

So... now on to first week "What we are doing" - - - - - - -

Kindergarten -

We did my adaptation of the great Cassie Stephens Larry the line poster. Due to not having the kids all together before, we spent time on where to sit, rules, etc... before we met my Larry the Line. (aka - SNAKE!) He showed them how to do the "Ver-TICKLE, Diagonal (whee down the slide!) and the Horizontal (belt). Then the kids went off to make their very own Larry the Line snake. I think they enjoyed it!
Here is one group with their "Snakes"

See post of Cassie and her lessons below. I plan to do a lot of these lessons the 1st 9 weeks in kindergarten.

First Grade -

Our first project will be a 2 day assignment on lines, shapes and colors after we learn about Joan Miro. The kids loved looking for shapes and "what could they see" in Joan's work. Here is one of our favorites:

We then drew all kinds of lines and shapes. This week coming up we will add COLOR. More to come but here is a sneak peek at one.....

2nd grade:

Oh the joys of CUT AND GLUE! We are doing a 2 day project using Henri Matisse as our inspiration. We looked at some of his works with paper cutting and then tried our hand at some! This week we cut out shapes that were regular and abstract shaped. Next week we are going to add more shapes and layer our own name into the project. Here is a glimpse of them just getting started:

Third grade -  This assignment was a more listening and following directions than I would have liked for 1st assignment BUT ... I went for it. We are doing radial symmetry with their names. It includes patterns. lines, color.... I think the end result will be AWESOME!
Sneak peek for 3rd grade:
4th grade and 5th grade have no "Sneek Peek!" You have to wait! :) The THEME for both grades is:
"The greatest work of art is..... YOU!"
4th grade - is doing a line and color project where they trace their hands and then do patterns on them/design that shows something about themselves. SOME of the classes are adding another piece and will be writing about themselves as well.
5th grade - is doing an Andy Warhol inspired Pop Art piece with THEIR faces on it. I can not wait to see how these turn out!
**** Be looking for info soon on Artsonia website and Art Club!!!!!!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Made it through the 1st day/This is how we roll!

After a few small hiccups, I was off and running for my first day as the... ART TEACHER!

I have to admit by 11 a.m. I was emailing my hubby and Dad to tell them... "I like this art teacher thing!" HEE HEE - they told me to get back with them in a month and see how I still feel. :)

It was a crazy whirlwind of in and out - the classes only have 45 minutes from beginning to end. I tried to do a QUICK all about me (why are YOU the Art teacher, what happened to other art teacher, why are you not teaching 1st grade anymore???) THEN, on to the rules of the class: (looks like this but this is not mine)


 See how it spells ARTIST? I kept trying to think of rewards for behavior and came up with after FIVE times the class is good, we will have an "AWESOME ART" day. Little do they know, they still do art! LOL! I was telling the 5th graders (who surprisingly was a delightful class) that maybe we could do something with duck tape. They LOVE that stuff! They are always making things with it anyway so, why not? This led me asking if they had seen the duck tape prom dresses, which they had, which led to them asking if WE could make some and have a fashion show with them??? We shall see about this one...
I also was told by the OLDER CLASSES playing with shaving cream and play dough were good ideas. Who doesn't like play dough?

SO - - - - after my adventure of the 1st day I had to go buy folders for portfolios. At Walmart. On a Friday after school. On TN tax free weekend.

Let me just say - - - not my idea of fun. THEN, once I get there, I ask a customer service person to help me because I need 500 pocket folders. You think I would have said a dead body. They looked at me like I was CRAZY! (which is probably true) So next thing I know everyone is on their walkie talkies asking do they have enough folders, who would want 500, must be a crazy teacher... THEN, ready for this????
                                                                               They made me COUNT OUT ALL FIVE HUNDRED.
                      Yep, one at a time.                   
                         Oh the joys...

            So what did I do? I took a picture of it titled:
                 "This is how we art teachers roll!"

At this point I was so TIRED and CRAZY I did something I NEVER do:
I took a selfie. I needed one of my 1st day and I had forgotten to do it that morning. WHEW! What a day!

Can't wait for the adventures next week when we include.....  