I have to admit by 11 a.m. I was emailing my hubby and Dad to tell them... "I like this art teacher thing!" HEE HEE - they told me to get back with them in a month and see how I still feel. :)
It was a crazy whirlwind of in and out - the classes only have 45 minutes from beginning to end. I tried to do a QUICK all about me (why are YOU the Art teacher, what happened to other art teacher, why are you not teaching 1st grade anymore???) THEN, on to the rules of the class: (looks like this but this is not mine)
See how it spells ARTIST? I kept trying to think of rewards for behavior and came up with after FIVE times the class is good, we will have an "AWESOME ART" day. Little do they know, they still do art! LOL! I was telling the 5th graders (who surprisingly was a delightful class) that maybe we could do something with duck tape. They LOVE that stuff! They are always making things with it anyway so, why not? This led me asking if they had seen the duck tape prom dresses, which they had, which led to them asking if WE could make some and have a fashion show with them??? We shall see about this one...
I also was told by the OLDER CLASSES playing with shaving cream and play dough were good ideas. Who doesn't like play dough?
SO - - - - after my adventure of the 1st day I had to go buy folders for portfolios. At Walmart. On a Friday after school. On TN tax free weekend.
Let me just say - - - not my idea of fun. THEN, once I get there, I ask a customer service person to help me because I need 500 pocket folders. You think I would have said a dead body. They looked at me like I was CRAZY! (which is probably true) So next thing I know everyone is on their walkie talkies asking do they have enough folders, who would want 500, must be a crazy teacher... THEN, ready for this????
Yep, one at a time.
Oh the joys...
So what did I do? I took a picture of it titled:
"This is how we art teachers roll!"
At this point I was so TIRED and CRAZY I did something I NEVER do:
I took a selfie. I needed one of my 1st day and I had forgotten to do it that morning. WHEW! What a day!
Can't wait for the adventures next week when we include.....
The original artist is teacher Jennifer Lipsey Edwards. She's also an awesome author of the "I Love to Draw" (Jennifer Lipsey) series. I know this because we were co teachers and I have the original poster that I inherited from her when she moved on to teach upper school classes. Would love if you gave her the credit!