Wednesday, July 23, 2014

TN Arts Academy week!

Whew, am I tired! This week I have attended for the 1st time the TN Arts Academy and I can tell you it is worth every penny. It has been an inspiring and exhausting week! I have met so many people, made art, stole ideas for lessons, met all kind of contacts, heard beautiful music, seen all kinds of talented people --- and ate a TON of food!

This is the kind of in-service I dream of. Artists of all kinds sharing their talents with one another. I have been pushed and pulled in so many new ways...some things sound familiar and some things are so new to me that it is a wild ride for this new art teacher. I find myself trying to catch everything and coming home with my mind in a whirl.  At the same time I am refueled and ready each new morning to do it again because this is where I belong.

I go again tomorrow for the last day and I can tell as I type this I am wiped out tonight but also felt the need to write this so I do not forget all the wonderful people, ideas, and creativity.

Just a few pictures of what I have been doing:

Family Tree (we had to hurry on all of these projects and this is one I wish I had more time on)
                                                     Top left is my Picasso inspired art.


                                       Our tiki men were used as centerpieces at the TAA luncheon.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Dreams do come true!

Wow! I have to say it again, wow! What a week it has been! On Monday I found out I passed the Art Praxis and on Wednesday it was official that I am the art teacher at Stoner Creek! So excited but also so overwhelmed! The big one for me - - - 


It will take me awhile to use that thing on my own!  

So- in all of the glory of a major adrenaline rush of ideas and things to do.... Here are a Few pics of the already done projects. Which brings me to another note: 

Does this happen to you too? Not sure if it is the rush to see them done or it is just me
 and my faults. Oh well...

Had to do above one first! Love this quote and needed above my desk immediately! :) 

Cork board from Goodwill. Spray painted in hot pink. Like my sticker on it?


The YOU was already done above door but I saw this quote on Pinterest and thought OH that's perfect! 

There is a bulletin board by room and office that is "mine" to decorate. Figured I would as that is way more fun than cleaning out the closet like I should be doing......