Sunday, September 28, 2014

Last week before fall break!?!?

WOW! This first 9 weeks has FLOWN by!
 Teaching art (and all my other projects!)  has really been like a new career for me but I am loving it!

The 1st project that Art Club worked on is done and I am very proud of their work. They took part in the scarecrow exhibit at Cheekwood and decided they wanted to do Olaf from Frozen. Our scarecrow title is "Do you want to build a snow-crow man?"

Yes, I did start to freak out on more than one occasion with this thing - but in the end I am happy as it is cute, fun, and kid friendly. Here he is:

Next - I am doing a fun day with the teachers after school tomorrow and we are making an owl wreath! Afternoon of art and appetizers - I am looking forward to hanging out with some teachers and have some good fun and food while being crafty! (pics coming soon!)
In class, I am going to TRY and get all projects we are working on done before break. With days when we don't have classes some are behind so this should be interesting.... but I am going to do my best to GET IT DONE! (mainly because next 9 weeks I have so many other great ideas to do! LOL!)
I also have been working on TWO field trips. I am wanting to take first grade to see the Kandinsky at Frist! I know, you may think 1st grade at Frist? Yep - I am crazy but I do have a soft spot for those 1st graders! :)
Also - I am so happy I was awarded the ticket subsidy award to take the 5th grade to a play! Can not wait to see all the wonderful costumes and set design of James and the Giant Peach! :)

Sunday, September 14, 2014

INTERNATIONAL DOT DAY (and a whole lot other stuff!)

Hello! Lots are happening around Stoner Creek Elementary as we only have THREE more weeks till Fall Break! WOW! It is flying by!

1st - Bash and Dash fundraiser is still going strong and Friday is Bash and Dash day! Do not forget I am holding my own auction to raise money. You can read more about it in my last blog and that is where you can bid as well.

2nd - Donors Choose is up and approved! PLEASE take the time to check this out at:

If you do give, please add the word INSPIRE at check out and Donors Choose will match your contribution!

3rd - Tomorrow is International Dot Day! Check out the info here:


We are going to have a fun week in art where we do lots of projects with DOTS as we celebrate DOT DAY and the book "The Dot" by Peter Reynolds.

Pictures coming soon! :)

Thursday, September 11, 2014


At where I teach "Stoner Creek Elementary ROCKS!" (Ok, the name does not include ROCKS! in it... but it should) we have one major fundraiser a year called Bash n Dash. The kids raise money by running laps and people donate for how many laps they run. The kids also give money to wear silly hats one day, PJs one day, etc... WELL - the support teachers (that includes me!) try to do something to raise money with an AUCTION STYLE type of bidding for a prize. So - without more explanation - have you bid to paint with me yet???? HMM??? Cuz who would NOT want to, right? ;)

So here is the scoop in case you missed the info - check out my website here: (YES I do have a website TOO - honestly just cuz the school makes us and I really do not like it as much as the blog)


Now, I had trouble on the "have to use this google website for school" on loading the pictures of what I choose to paint with the THREE HIGHEST BIDDING KIDDOS. So I am going to try it here. Now, if your kid just REALLY wants to paint something different then these 2 choices (which I doubt because these 2 choices are pretty cute) they can try to talk me into something else.

                                              See? They are CUTE! Good luck on bidding!

Now for the SECOND part of this post that includes money..... (it is 6:20 a.m. so forgive me) we had some guys come to our school and talk to us about Donors Choose which looks like an AWESOME way to get things we need for our classrooms. I have already set up a project that I would like funded. I will say I have to wait a few days for the Donors Choose people to look it over and agree. (which I know they will as it is all about BOOKS - my 2nd favorite hobby right after Art!) I have NO good Art books to read to the kids and there are some AMAZING ones out there! SO - - - -I made a list on Amazon and sent it to Donors Choose under the project name "I see my favorite books as a work of Art." Hope you can help me by donating a little (or a lot!) to some books for our classroom! THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Thank you again to all the kids who tried out for Art Club! WOW! We had a large response and even though I only picked 15 - you guys made it tough! Keep working hard and keep creating! :)

Now - for the 15... CONGRATULATIONS TO - - - - - - (insert drumroll..........)

I have displayed these 15 students work on the shelves by the Art Room for all to see their entries. They did an amazing job and I am so happy to see such talent. I look forward to getting to know these 15 better this year.


Can it really already be September 1st?

WOW! I can not believe 4 weeks of school have already gone by! It has been a whirlwind first month as the Art teacher!

I know many are wanting to know who I picked for Art Club... but it is not Tuesday yet as I type this so you will have to wait! ;)

 I want to say I was amazed at all of the students who tried out for art club. We really have a lot of talent at our school. If your child did not make it please know all were taken into consideration. If your child is younger, keep working and know they are welcome to try again next year! If your child is a 5th grader and did not make it - - - I might have a few opportunities this year for some other things they may get to do. More details to come.....

Artsonia - Has your child brought a note home about this yet? (3rd and 5th have not but will this week) I am so excited at how many parents are already on here! I think we are already ranked  15th in the state! PLEASE take time to get on this site ( and give permission for your child's work to be published. The kids love it!

What we are doing in Art:

Kindergarten - Last week I was really amazed at how well they did this lesson. I taught them how we treat a paintbrush like a ballerina - "she dances on her toes." We then watched a video of a ballerina and looked at how she danced to "lines" we have learned. We also listened to the music and felt how the music made certain lines on our paper. After I showed them once how to do it while listening to the music and watching the video - the kids then used their paintbrush and made it "dance" to the music. I loved when they saw her dance like spiral, diagonal, and heard dot, dot, dot.....

This week we will finish our paintings by adding the primary colors to our negative space. (white area)

1st grade - Last week we continued our lessons on Joan Miro and watched an animated video of the Garden. We looked at shapes and how he used the to make "animals/silly monsters" in the picture.

We then drew our own "Miro inspired shape silly monsters." I love some of the pictures:

This week we will be making our silly shape monsters come to life with clay and pip cleaners!

2nd grade - They finished their Matisse inspired collage with their names. Photos were taken and put on Artsonia. I had a few not finish but I do plan to start a new lesson this week with them. (they can finish week of Sept. 15th) New lesson this week will cover the element of art - value. We will be painting "value rings" around the moon and then adding an owl silhouette.

3rd grade - We are not done with our name in radial symmetry BUT they WILL finish this week. (or will have to do it later as I will be finished this week...) Pictures will be taken this week of them and put on Artsonia. I will post some here on blog next week also.

4th grade - We finished our "hand art" and pictures are on Artsonia. (again a few not done who can finish later) We will be starting a new lesson this week on form. We will be watching a video on artist  Giacometti. We will be making foil shaped figures inspired by him using pipe cleaners and foil. I can not wait to see how these turn out!

5th grade - We will be finishing up our Andy Warhol inspired art. Students will "frame" them and have picture posted on Artsonia. Here is one finished. Isn't it COOL? (Do people still say that???)

If time, we will look at our new lesson which extends our study of pop art and incorporates some language arts! These look like a lot of fun and I am going to be using BUBBLE WRAP for our dots! :) Sneak peek of what they will sort of look like:

Whew! On top of all of that..... be looking for news from me on INTERNATIONAL DOT DAY on SEPT. 15th !