Sunday, September 28, 2014

Last week before fall break!?!?

WOW! This first 9 weeks has FLOWN by!
 Teaching art (and all my other projects!)  has really been like a new career for me but I am loving it!

The 1st project that Art Club worked on is done and I am very proud of their work. They took part in the scarecrow exhibit at Cheekwood and decided they wanted to do Olaf from Frozen. Our scarecrow title is "Do you want to build a snow-crow man?"

Yes, I did start to freak out on more than one occasion with this thing - but in the end I am happy as it is cute, fun, and kid friendly. Here he is:

Next - I am doing a fun day with the teachers after school tomorrow and we are making an owl wreath! Afternoon of art and appetizers - I am looking forward to hanging out with some teachers and have some good fun and food while being crafty! (pics coming soon!)
In class, I am going to TRY and get all projects we are working on done before break. With days when we don't have classes some are behind so this should be interesting.... but I am going to do my best to GET IT DONE! (mainly because next 9 weeks I have so many other great ideas to do! LOL!)
I also have been working on TWO field trips. I am wanting to take first grade to see the Kandinsky at Frist! I know, you may think 1st grade at Frist? Yep - I am crazy but I do have a soft spot for those 1st graders! :)
Also - I am so happy I was awarded the ticket subsidy award to take the 5th grade to a play! Can not wait to see all the wonderful costumes and set design of James and the Giant Peach! :)

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